Thursday, November 26, 2009


Msya to... kaso nakakadiri lng tingnan..
auko nga humawak eh....

Pagkatapos nmin gwin yan, naglunch kmi.,..sarap isipin nung palaka..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Restaurant City Cheats // Level 32 money cheats


Credits : free2sw4u

Tools you need :

1) Firefox or Internet Explorer

2) Adobe Flash Player 10.0 // 9.0

3) Cheat Engine 5.5


Step 01 : Open your Restaurant City application

Step 02 : Open Cheat engine 5.5

Step 03 : Select either Iexplorer or Firefox and tick all the cheats and click patch.

Step 04 : Scan "00000039840FD285" hex, 8 bytes and tick scan read-only


Step 05 : Right click the address and click to assemble.

Step 06 : You will be able to see "mov ecx,[edx+00000090]" (for flash 10 users) OR

"mov ecx,[edx+00000088]" (for flash 9 users).

Step 07 : Right click and select toggle breakpoint. RC will freeze for this time being.

Step 08 : Copy the address on your right for the [EDX] .

Step 09 : Click Debug and click Run to unfreeze the game.

Step 10 : Back to cheat engine main frame. click on "Add Address Manually".

and paste the address that you copied from [EDX] and add "+90" behind the address (for flash

10) OR add "+88" behind the address (for flash 9) example: 1A250280+90

Step 11 : Change the current value "32" to "31"

Step 12 : Now start clicking to get 1,000 per click. If you are satisfied with the coins you had just

change the value back to "32" and click saved.

Good Luck

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Resturant City // Piaip Software

Piaip Software - (Download Here)

Credits: Piaip

1.Open your Restaurant City.
2.Open the Piaip Software.
3.Tick all the box.
4.Select a Process - (Firefox / Internet Explorer)
5.Click Patch.

 Happy Gaming!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Restaurant City!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MySpace Flash Toys

Pet Society Cheats // Unlimited Rainbow Poo

Tools you need :

1) Internet Explorer / Firefox

2) Cheat Engine 5.5

3) Adobe Flash Player 9.0 // (Didn't Really try 10.0)

4) Poo hack Download - (Click Here)


Step 01 : Brush, Feed your pets to the maximum (DO NOT BATH YOUR PET).

Step 02 : Open your cheat engine for process list and choose internet explorer.

Step 03 : Open the Poo hack software

Step 03 : Scan 458BE845893C408B with Hex, 8 Bytes and also read memory.

Step 04 : You will see a list of code generated. Simply copy the whole chunk of code.

Step 05 : Go back to cheat engine --> Click memory view --> Select Tools --> Autoassemble

Step 06 : Scan 438B00000122850F with Hex, 8 Bytes and also read memory.

Step 07 : Scan 04B80000000A8F0F with Hex, 8 Bytes and also read memory.

Step 08 : Select either Golden Poo or Rainbow Poo and click generate.

Step 09 : You will see a list of code generated. Simply copy the whole chunk of code.

Step 10 : Go back to cheat engine --> Click memory view --> Select Tools --> Autoassemble

Step 11 : Paste all the code into the Autoassemble and click execute.

Step 12 : Open the Poo picker and locate the area of where you poo is located and it will autopick.

Good Luck !

Restaurant City Cheats // Fast Level to 32 // 31

Tools you need :

1) Cheat Engine 5.5

2) Firefox or Internet Explorer

3) Flashplayer 9.0


 Thanks for the video Lemongraphic....


1. Open your RC and Cheat Engine 5.5

2. On Cheat Engine Tick HEX,Also scan Read-only memory and 8 bytes,and when

RC loads scan FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2

3. You will Find 1 address, right click it and clicked Disassemble it.

4. You will be able to see mov eax, ffffffff change it to mov eax, 00004e20

5. Go back to Restaurant City and everytime your waiter clear the plates you will get an increase

of 4,000 exp points.

6. Good Luck

Restaurant City Cheats // Multipurpose Cheat

Tools you need :

1) Internet Explorer/Firefox

2) Cheat Engine 5.5 -

3) Adobe Flash Player 9.0 // Player 10.0

Step 1) On your Restaurant City game

Step 02 : Open your cheat engine for process list and choose internet explorer.

Step 03 : Scan D85D89C33B28408B with Hex, 8 Bytes and also read memory.

D85D89C33B28408B ( Stamina Cheat)

000001108689C22B (Cook Fast )

0001148B8B10468B (Serve // Bill Fast)

4F840FE04589C085 (Toliet)

000000808B110FF2 (Work Fast)

Step 04 : Copy the results and paste it into the code generator below and click ENTER.

Paste the addresses on this site:
RC Tools Online _v5.2

Step 06 : You will see a list of code generated. Simply copy the whole chunk of code.

Step 07 : Paste to your cheat engine and tick the cheat that you want to activate.

Good Luck !