Thursday, November 26, 2009


Msya to... kaso nakakadiri lng tingnan..
auko nga humawak eh....

Pagkatapos nmin gwin yan, naglunch kmi.,..sarap isipin nung palaka..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Restaurant City Cheats // Level 32 money cheats


Credits : free2sw4u

Tools you need :

1) Firefox or Internet Explorer

2) Adobe Flash Player 10.0 // 9.0

3) Cheat Engine 5.5


Step 01 : Open your Restaurant City application

Step 02 : Open Cheat engine 5.5

Step 03 : Select either Iexplorer or Firefox and tick all the cheats and click patch.

Step 04 : Scan "00000039840FD285" hex, 8 bytes and tick scan read-only


Step 05 : Right click the address and click to assemble.

Step 06 : You will be able to see "mov ecx,[edx+00000090]" (for flash 10 users) OR

"mov ecx,[edx+00000088]" (for flash 9 users).

Step 07 : Right click and select toggle breakpoint. RC will freeze for this time being.

Step 08 : Copy the address on your right for the [EDX] .

Step 09 : Click Debug and click Run to unfreeze the game.

Step 10 : Back to cheat engine main frame. click on "Add Address Manually".

and paste the address that you copied from [EDX] and add "+90" behind the address (for flash

10) OR add "+88" behind the address (for flash 9) example: 1A250280+90

Step 11 : Change the current value "32" to "31"

Step 12 : Now start clicking to get 1,000 per click. If you are satisfied with the coins you had just

change the value back to "32" and click saved.

Good Luck